Renting Real Estate in Dubai

Dubai is a popular location for cosmopolitans seeking rich employment prospects and pleasant lifestyles. To accommodate its rising population, the dynamic city boasts a good assortment of residential homes. If you're new to town and don't know where to begin when it comes to locating your first house, Here is our in-depth guide to renting in Dubai.


  1. Know how much you can afford
    The first and most significant stage in the renting procedure in Dubai is to calculate a budget. You can use this budget as a starting point for your search.
  2. Searching
    Browsing in the internet is quick to search for renting. Find an experienced realtor that will work with you to understand your budget, objectives, and needs in order to give you with a list of houses to visit. Going via an agency also ensures that the landlord has been verified, and you will have an industry professional outlining all of the tenancy regulations and processes, guaranteeing a seamless transfer into your new home.
  3. View the Property
    Schedule an appointment for you to be able to see what it's like to live there and Observe the property closely and plan a second visit at a different time to get a clearer idea of what it might be like to live there
  4. Make an offer
    Once you have decided on what property that you want, Make an offer. Send you offer to your broker and the negotiating with the landlord begins
  5. Signing Contracts
    It’s time to sign the contracts. Both parties are required to sign and copy of the contract will be given to each party. Always ensure that the rental payments are issued to the exact same landlord name as listed on the property's title deed. When everything is all set up, you will be given keys and access card.
  6. Ejari Registration
    It is important to register in EJARI which means ‘your rent’ in Arabic. Here are the following documents that are needed in registration: 
    •    Original tenancy contract
    •    Title deed(from the landlord)
    •    Tenant and landlord’s passport copies
    •    Copy of tenant’s Emirates ID
  7. DEWA
    DEWA stands for Dubai Electricity and Water Authority.  DEWA needs to be registered under your name.
  8. Move-in Form
    Before moving in, some popular communities in Dubai requires tenants to procure a move-in permit. You will require the following documents for this process
    •    Passport copy / Emirated ID
    •    Certificate of Completion of payment
    •    Copy of the tenancy contract
    •    Copy of the unit’s most service charge receipt 
  9. Preparing to Move in!
    When all tasks are complete then Congratulations, you are all set to move into your home new home in Dubai!